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Prayer Group




My brothers and sisters please join us every Tuesday nights from 7:00pm- 8:00pm EST on Adoration Gospel FM NY & The Big Central 96.3 FM Jamaica for sweet hour of prayer. If you have a prayer request for the bowl please email it to:


you can join us Live on air by dialing  


This is the hour to be release, deliver, heal, uplift and inspire you on your spiritual journey. We are grateful for your friendship and generosity, which make it possible for us to provide you with comfort and the power of prayer anytime you need it. 


United Global Prayer Bowl

Weekly Scripture

Christian Booklet



  Revelation and Response

  So it was, when the angels had gone away from them into heaven, that the      shepherds said to one another, “Let us now go to Bethlehem and see this        thing that has come to pass, which the Lord has made known to us.”
  Luke 2:15


  “Call and response” is one way a speaker or singer engages with an                audience. “Can I get a witness?” is a call, and “Amen!” is a response. Call      and response is used in music in both sacred and secular settings. It’s a          way to keep the audience interested and involved.

  At the heart of God’s interaction with mankind is “revelation (call) and              response.” An example of revelation and response occurred in the                    Bethlehem hills when an angel announced the birth of Jesus to a group of      shepherds. That was the revelation—the response was when the shepherds    left “with haste” (Luke 2:16) and went to Bethlehem to find the newborn            Baby. Their response of obedience led to their blessing of meeting the              Messiah. The purpose of all God’s revelation is blessing, but revelation            must be followed by response on our part. 

  Whatever God reveals to you today, make haste to obey. There is always a      blessing to follow.
  Rev. Melva Carty

  P.S. Thank you for your partnership with Church Without Walls Global,             International Bread of Life Ministry, Adoration Gospel FM NY and the Big 

  Central 96.3 FM Jamaica !!!!!!!!!! Together, we are sharing God’s message of    love, hope, forgiveness, and freedom all the year through. 

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